Year-end Activities by Junior I Section.
Year-end Activities by Junior I Section
The school organized a week-long activity program that was jam-packed with a plethora of engaging and exciting activities. From bouncing around in the bouncy castles to the Year-end party, the students had an absolute blast. The healthy snacks making days were a hit, too, with students getting creative and having a ton of fun with their classmates. As the week came to an end, the teachers and students couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness as they finally bid farewell to each other. Saying goodbye to the students was a bittersweet experience as they had made plenty of memories together over the course of the school year. However, the teachers were proud of the students for making it through the year together, and they knew that the memories they had made would last a lifetime. As a small token of their appreciation, the teachers gave away goody bags filled with treats and souvenirs to all the students. The program was a phenomenal way to end the school year with a bang and kick off the summer holidays with a smile! [robo-gallery id=”17111″]