urdu Activity

Urdu Activity      جماعت  shu- b ( اردوسرگرمی)                                                                                                               کتاب: کاروان اردو میں علامہ اقبال رحمہ اللہ  کے کلام سے ماخوذ ایک منظوم سبق بنام محنت ہے۔ اس سبق میں علامہ رحمہ اللہ نے محنت کی اہمیت کو بیان فرمایا ہے۔ طلبا نے پوسٹر سازی کی سرگرمی کے ذریعے زندگی کے مختلف شعبوں میں ہونے والی محنتوں کے مناظر اور اس کے نتائج کو اجاگر کرنے کی کوشش کی ہے۔ یہ تمام پوسٹر سوفٹ بورڈ پر آویزا کردیے گئے ہیں تاکہ بچوں کی بھر پور حوصلہ افزائی ہوسکے۔ جزاکم اللہ خیرا    [robo-gallery id=”13736″]

Computer Project display Activity

Computer Project Display Activity. School projects can give the gifted child the opportunity to dive deeper and challenge themselves in an academic area while also allowing the student that struggles with written tests to reveal the acquired knowledge in a hands-on, creative way. When looking at the various projects that are assigned here at TIS, it is important to understand the underlying skills that are being developed throughout the process of completing the project. For instance, learning to follow step-by-step directions is a specific target built into the scope of projects in these grades. Other projects may have detailed objectives but also allow student to express themselves in a creative way. These projects are not only a valuable tool to teach the different methods but also perseverance, time management, and oral presentation skills, and it is fascinating to see how students are challenged spiritually and creatively. Details of the Projects of the subjects mentioned as well as the pics given below are self-explanatory School projects can give the gifted child the opportunity to dive deeper and challenge themselves in an academic area while also allowing the student that struggles with written tests to reveal the acquired knowledge in a hands-on, creative way. When looking at the various projects that are assigned here at TIS, it is important to understand the underlying skills that are being developed throughout the process of completing the project. For instance, learning to follow step-by-step directions is a specific target built into the scope of projects in these grades. Other projects may have detailed objectives but also allow student to express themselves in a creative way. These projects are not only a valuable tool to teach the different methods but also perseverance, time management, and oral presentation skills, and it is fascinating to see how students are challenged spiritually and creatively. Details of the Projects of the subjects mentioned as well as the pics given below are self-explanatory.                                             Computer Class VI: Make a report on your favorite personality Software: Ms word -2010 Apply all the following features:  *Drop cap *Header & Footer *Border & Shading *Alignment *Footnote & Endnote *Font styles *Built -in – Styles. Should be submitted in Hard Copy Class VII: Website development Student have developed a website on their favorite product by using Wix. Class VIII: Humanoid Robots Future is of AI and Robotics. Students have done research work on robotics. Their abilities and the situations in which they can work.                                           [robo-gallery id=”13466″]

3D Projects by Grade IIs

3D Projects by Grade IIs Activity based learning makes Mathematics fun to learn!Our young and talented second graders displayed some creative 2D and 3D projects that exhibited experimentation and innovation.Students got engaged with interactive activities like building bridges, robots,  designing 3D trains, rockets making 3D-castles, ice cream shops and more.Through their projects students got the freedom to explore, design, and create new things and learn about 2D and 3D shapes in the real world!     [robo-gallery id=”13785″]

voting Activity

Voting Activity Learning new things are always fun. Social Studies teaches us values, how people interact with each other, behave within society, develop as a culture, and influence the world. Students of Grade II did a voting activity which combined classroom learning with real content and experience. The students went through the process of voting and developed an appreciation for the power and influence of voting.              [robo-gallery id=”13341″]

English Project display Activity

English Project Display Activity. School projects can give the gifted child the opportunity to dive deeper and challenge themselves in an academic area while also allowing the student that struggles with written tests to reveal the acquired knowledge in a hands-on, creative way. When looking at the various projects that are assigned here at TIS, it is important to understand the underlying skills that are being developed throughout the process of completing the project. For instance, learning to follow step-by-step directions is a specific target built into the scope of projects in these grades. Other projects may have detailed objectives but also allow student to express themselves in a creative way. These projects are not only a valuable tool to teach the different methods but also perseverance, time management, and oral presentation skills, and it is fascinating to see how students are challenged spiritually and creatively. Details of the Projects of the subjects mentioned as well as the pics given below are self-explanatory School projects can give the gifted child the opportunity to dive deeper and challenge themselves in an academic area while also allowing the student that struggles with written tests to reveal the acquired knowledge in a hands-on, creative way. When looking at the various projects that are assigned here at TIS, it is important to understand the underlying skills that are being developed throughout the process of completing the project. For instance, learning to follow step-by-step directions is a specific target built into the scope of projects in these grades. Other projects may have detailed objectives but also allow student to express themselves in a creative way. These projects are not only a valuable tool to teach the different methods but also perseverance, time management, and oral presentation skills, and it is fascinating to see how students are challenged spiritually and creatively. Details of the Projects of the subjects mentioned as well as the pics given below are self-explanatory.                                                             English The purpose of the project of Grade VI English Literature (all sections) was to make students aware of the other novels written by Nesbit. Also, to make them aware of the difference between Edwardian and Victorian Era and compare them to the Modern Era. Project for grade VI about endangered species in Asia. Itsobjective was to ask students to search about endangered species of the Asia,being aware of the factors that lead to their extinction and how we can savethem. The purpose of the project of Grade VIII was to understand thedifferent genres of writing and how books are numbered and labelled under eachgenre in the library. Know Your Poets: Research on the two poets we have this term. (Seamus Heaney-Maya Angelou)-Task 1: Life: upbringing, education, profession and work. -Task 2: Historical, Political and Cultural Context (that influenced his/her writing)-Task 3: Exploration of any two of his/her poems: themes, styles and short analysis (apart from the one in class)               [robo-gallery id=”13493″]

pink week Activity in Nur

Pink Week Activities Pink is the colour of affection, calmness, empathy, health and happiness. Little angels of our Nursery Section enjoyed the colour Pink with lots of fun-filled activities. They all came dressed in pink, brought pink lunch and did art activities with pink colour. The children extended their learning by collecting pink objects around the house, making a basket and bringing it to school. As part of the Reading Readiness Activity, “Show and Tell” and “ I spy games” were done in class with pink objects throughout the week . The pink colour week was well enjoyed by the teachers and our children.      [robo-gallery id=”13756″]

3D Projects by Grade IIs

3D Projects by Grade IIs Activity based learning makes Mathematics fun to learn!Our young and talented second graders displayed some creative 2D and 3D projects that exhibited experimentation and innovation.Students got engaged with interactive activities like building bridges, robots,  designing 3D trains, rockets making 3D-castles, ice cream shops and more.Through their projects students got the freedom to explore, design, and create new things and learn about 2D and 3D shapes in the real world!     [robo-gallery id=”13785″]

Geography/ History Project display Activity

Geography/History Project Display Activity. School projects can give the gifted child the opportunity to dive deeper and challenge themselves in an academic area while also allowing the student that struggles with written tests to reveal the acquired knowledge in a hands-on, creative way. When looking at the various projects that are assigned here at TIS, it is important to understand the underlying skills that are being developed throughout the process of completing the project. For instance, learning to follow step-by-step directions is a specific target built into the scope of projects in these grades. Other projects may have detailed objectives but also allow student to express themselves in a creative way. These projects are not only a valuable tool to teach the different methods but also perseverance, time management, and oral presentation skills, and it is fascinating to see how students are challenged spiritually and creatively. Details of the Projects of the subjects mentioned as well as the pics given below are self-explanatory School projects can give the gifted child the opportunity to dive deeper and challenge themselves in an academic area while also allowing the student that struggles with written tests to reveal the acquired knowledge in a hands-on, creative way. When looking at the various projects that are assigned here at TIS, it is important to understand the underlying skills that are being developed throughout the process of completing the project. For instance, learning to follow step-by-step directions is a specific target built into the scope of projects in these grades. Other projects may have detailed objectives but also allow student to express themselves in a creative way. These projects are not only a valuable tool to teach the different methods but also perseverance, time management, and oral presentation skills, and it is fascinating to see how students are challenged spiritually and creatively. Details of the Projects of the subjects mentioned as well as the pics given below are self-explanatory.                                                 Geography/History Class VI: Project and Activity in History on chapter the magnificent empire of the Mauryan played an activity in five rounds to make them take interest in this subject. Geography the students had to write a letter on how to grow rice explaining all the process after watching the ppt and video.  [robo-gallery id=”13527″]