Circular for Safr
Dear Parents,
“Safar is the second month in the Islamic calendar. It is one of the ‘Al-Ashhur-al-Hurum’, the four sanctified months in which battle was prohibited in the days of the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam. However, no specific mode of worship or other special rules are set by the Shariah to observe in this month.
Some people believe that this month is an unlucky month and therefore avoid marriage ceremonies or any other happy gatherings in this month. This belief is totally baseless and it is a part of the superstitions rampant in the ignorant of Arabia before the advent of Islam.” (Islamic Months p.23)
It is very important for us to clarify the misconceptions and impart the authentic knowledge to our families.
May Allah accept the intentions and efforts from all of us, may He enable us to fulfill the responsibilities of Tarbiyah of our children and our own spiritual development. May He protect and bless our country and unite the Muslim Ummah holding tight to His rope. Ameen
The Intellect School