Winter Carnival 2021
Winter Carnival 2021
The Winter Carnival held on the school ground on the 21th December brought our local community together ,uniting faculty members, students, families & friends for a day of fun & philanthropy. Amongst the many attractions available, there was a concoction of the best of carnival games, delicious carnivals foods, enjoyable carnivals activities & contest with cute little carnival gifts & just the perfect carnivals ambience.
The turnout was amazing & the sights, smells & sounds resonated in every corner of the school courtyard & ground .From the thrill of jumping on the bouncy castle & trampoline, to the arts center, to the dozens of mind boggling games, to the mouth- watering savories, to the buttery baked goods, there was somethings to suit every person’s taste.
All proceeds were donated to Bait-us-Salam Trust to benefit those in need. May Allah(SWT) accepts the efforts of all involved & enable us to continue working for worthy causes.
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